Monday, February 28, 2011

The Perfect Recipe

Warning: This post may contain traces of cheese.

There are so many instances in life when the reigns seem to be slipping away and the walls begin to crumble and things appear as if they're bursting from the seems. We feel so helpless and vulnerable when things spiral out of our control and all we can do is curl up into a depressed little ball and lay on your bed, staring listlessly at the wall. How do you get out of this black hole of terror? It is important to remember that you are important and you do matter in this world of nearly seven billion people. Everyone has their insecurities and everyone has their weaknesses. Everyone most definitely has had their fair share of heartaches and disappointments.

My three time-tested fool-proof ingredients in the recipe for overcoming this are:
  1. Friends
  2. Music
  3. A nice big calorie-filled slice of cake (although, following it up with some exercise wouldn't hurt- trust me, your behind will thank you after you have sobered up)
I find that everyone needs at least one solid pillar of a friend that they could count on to talk things through. Impossible issues suddenly morph into simple barriers and the end of the world turns out to be just a simple challenge. Music can almost never do any wrong. There is something for every occasion, and there is nothing quite like the feeling of finding a song that perfectly fits your mood and state. It's comforting to hear someone singing about exactly what you are going through or to be sent into a sweet trance to help you escape your miseries for just a while. And then there is cake. Really..need I explain? I warned of cheese earlier on, and although I haven't listed it in the recipe, some cheese can never hurt. 

So here's to a beautiful happy journey. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to overcome laziness for dummies

The title says it all but I must admit I had a hard time getting myself to start writing this post... I got so lazy. For some reason, most of the people I befriend end up being just as lazy as me so there's never really a motivation for me to try. This is my attempt to overcome laziness ...

1. Do the opposite of what you don't feel like doing but should be doing (if that made any sense) - If you don't feel like reading, read. If you don't feel like exercising, then exercise.

2. Start doing things when you think of them - If you have to pay the VISA bill by the night, do it right away rather than putting it off for the night. You might just forget... that's from experience.

3. Do a little at a time - there's no need to finish a whole 10 page essay in 3 hours (unless you're like me and it's due in the next 3 hours) Try to start early and do a little at a time.

4. Motivation/Rewards - this would have to be the only reason anyone would do work (at least in my understanding) Keep reminding yourself why you need to do what you're doing. Why is it so important to finish it...Once you find the reason, use it as a motivation factor. If motivation doesn't work, try rewarding yourself. Maybe if you finished your studying on time, you could watch an episode of your favourite tv show to reward yourself :)

And oh yeah, learn to feel guilty. If you don't finish something and you feel guilty about it... maybe that will force you to work hard next time.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Little things that cheer me up...

Dance sessions in front of the mirror followed by a late night cold shower with music :)

Friends & Quotes

I'll share two today because they've been on my mind recently.

On one of my dozen GO bus trips this week, I came across a bus driver having placed a whiteboard beside his ticket booth. On the white board he had handwritten the quote 
"Friendship is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." -Aristotle
More than the quote I enjoyed the idea of my bus driver wanting to share something with me and others. It helped remind me that every single one of us has something to share. Sometimes we ask them and keep up with their lives, sometimes we are too busy to. I sat beside him and we talked the whole ride. His name was John, he likes dancing and got divorced on his birthday. He was as full of laughter, sadness, strengths, weaknesses and life as me.

The other quote if from one of my greatest friends who always has challenged me. He likes to say:
Real friends are willing to risk their friendships.
Think about it.


My anthem

Good morning! I'll keep this short because I promised myself that I'll actually be doing work today. Recently, I've been trying to find myself a new path to walk on and figure out the right thing to do. Actually scratch that, I know what the right thing to do is but like everyone says, right thing always ends up being the hardest thing to do. I've been using music as my distraction for the past few weeks and its been working so far but my ipod seems to be stuck on this particular song for the last few days. I thought I'd share it. One of my favourites of all times.

Good Morning

Most people would agree that there is not much in the world that is better than waking up at noon on a lazy Saturday morning (er...afternoon?). The whipped cream on this delicious coffee would have to be if you're waking up to the perfect soundtrack heralding in your day. I have added a few of my favourite songs to wake up to over to the right. Enjoy!

Waking Up- One Republic
Good Morning- John Legend
Bubbly- Colbie Caillat

Cake Wrecks

So I had one of those days where you wake up thinking how today's the day when you'll get crackin' but now it's past midnight and I have a 5 lines down on my report. I don't even know what I did the whole day... overall, it was a good day. Anyhow, I came across this blog recently and I love it! I guess I kind of know what I did the whole day :) Check it out:

I have a good feeling about tomorrow. A lot will get done!