Wednesday, June 13, 2012


And I am finally back! It has been a long hiatus, but I am sure, like Community, it is a thrill to see me return. I haven't barfed for a very long time. I mean, sure I puke a little in my mouth every time someone says "teehee!" or when a new Facebook status appears quoting a beaten down, extremely obvious, old cliché, but no full blown thought barfs.

 I am sure that all two of you that have ever read this blog by mistakenly stumbling upon it on your journey through the wide world of the interwebs are wondering what brings me back. Well, we all know that there is no better motivation to do something than the pressure to do something even more important. It is simply procrastination 101. What better way to spend an early morning on a work day than to conjure up a generic impersonal blog post sending out wishes to all of my friends celebrating their birthdays today and pretty much all week long. No, Facebook did not have to remind me of everyone's special days, because it is simply common knowledge that I am kind, caring, thoughtful, and just generally very incredibly awesome! Wait what, this isn't about me? Alright, fine.

So everyone is always harping about how over the years we have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas, but what about birthdays?? When did they become a huge production? It seems as if now it has become all about planning up big fancy special events, going to them, doing things. You know, things that require...effort! Just the thought of it makes me shudder. I would like to take this moment to snap people back and remind you all of the true meaning of birthdays.


Remember the good ol' days when birthday parties meant going over to the friend's place and just completely immersing yourself into and completely clobbering and devouring a beautiful piece of delicious delicious art? Seconds? Puh-lease! That's for amateurs. We dealt in no currency smaller than triples. Or how about when birthdays meant friends bringing timbits to school to share with their classmates and bribe us for love our attention...or to celebrate their big days. Whatevs. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to. Times were simpler then. No worrying about buying expensive, trendy, or sentimentally-overloaded gifts. A simple hand-made construction paper card did just the trick. Oh how I miss all that.

So for all your birthdays, I would like to revert back to Nostalgia Lane and dedicate this beautiful, hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind blog post. You are very welcome.

Happy birthday!

In the wise words of Lizzie McGuire, I leave you all with the parting words:

"You rock! Don't ever change."