Friday, May 20, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Thoughts From Places- Blog Version: India

After four years of nearly non-stop undergraduate studies, I decided to jet off to India. Many people fear flying, but as the plane took off, I was reminded of everything I love about it. As the plane accelerates and is thrust into the air, there is a thrill that just cannot be explained. It is almost surreal to think that you are no longer bound to the ground but suspended in the air, just gliding ((I thought of you Nisarg)).

A giant mattress of fluffy clouds covered almost the entire span from Toronto to New Delhi, as if providing a safety net-like soft cushion for me- just in case. There were a few points where the mattress transformed into fluffy cotton balls that provided glimpses into the world below. The first time this happened, I was convinced I saw ice below, and as I looked to check my location on the flight tracker, I was astonished to find that- lo and behold, what I was looking at were the ice caps in Greenland. Couple hours later, there were the most beautiful snowy hills in Norway, and then the flight approached an end with desert sand dunes with the backdrop of snow-capped mountains at the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan ((I thought of you Farishta)). In one flight, I had viewed over 3 nations.

I have been to many airports throughout the years, but I had got to say that the New Delhi airport most definitely ranks as one of the best. There were more brand name stores there than you could count with your hands. Dior, Versace, Mango, and soo many more ((I thought of you Nikita))! The art work there was amazing as well, not to mention the most kickass sports bad I had seen, with supertrendy decor and furniture ((I thought of you Romil- the art)).

India is superhot, but the heat is bearable. But just when you think you're alright, cue the mosquitoes! My arm is covered in itchy red bumps, not to mention other miscellaneous ones littered elsewhere over my body. The food in amazing though, but my favourite has got to be the ice dish. It's like a snow cone, but in a dish. Although it is not as fun as the traditional Indian "baraf no goro", which is essentially a snow cone on a stick, the ice dish is awesome because the flavour remains consistent all the way until you're done. Not to mention, it's like heaven in the Indian heat.

Something I love about India: the fact that when you go shopping for clothes, besides the fact that the air conditioning provides an oasis in the midday heat, they give you food and drinks as well in an effort to lure you in and keep you there so that you would shop more. You get shopping done while you get free food, what's not to like?

Something I could live without: the gawking eyes of random men. As soon as I stepped down at the New Delhi airport, I instantly began feeling the eerie stares of all men around me. It wasn't just me though, they do that to pretty much any woman that walks by. They almost feel like piranhas at times ((I thought of you Meha, you would have loved the attention of the potential stalkers!))

Things I have to do still: say hi to the cows. Many animals randomly roam the streets in India, but every time I see a cow, I think of you Shreya. Don't worry, I promise to complete the mission before I return.

I probably have more to share, but after about the first 2 days, I'll keep it at this. What I kind of miss about Canada is the playoff season, the the impending federal election, the news (apparently Osama died??) and of course all of you. I haven't mentioned a lot of people, but it doesn't mean that I haven't thought of you! See ya next time, in part 2 of this series. :)