Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Life Skills

Life Skills facilitator.

""Life skills" are defined as psychosocial abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life." -UNICEF

How can anyone facilitate life skills? Who can honestly say that they have gotten their challenges of everyday life under control and qualified enough to tell (okay fine, "teach") others how to manage their lives. Who can adequately identify what skills others need to successfully live life. Who can possibly think that they know how to live life better than someone else?

I certainly cannot. 

Okay, I get it, no one is being told what to do or how to feel. And no one is saying they have everything under control. And everyone has something to offer others to enrich others' lives.

It is just that I find it difficult to look introspectively and thoroughly at my own life and convince myself that I am in any position to help others figure out how to effectively deal with the challenges of everyday life. At one point or another, everyone has experience the sense that their life is falling apart. Everything they know and all the pillars surrounding them are crumbling. When that is the case and you yourself are unravelling, how do you feel confident enough in your role as a life skills facilitator?

I suppose that is when it is the most important to conduct a self-inventory. Look back at all the things that are amazing about you and you have to offer. It's difficult to remember, but as cliche as it sounds, it's important to keep in mind that nobody is perfect. Everyone faces challenges and everyone experiences "failures". The life skills definition mentions the adaptive behaviours that people exhibit. It is not that the facilitators and people in general are now allowed to make mistake and go through rough patches. It is their resiliency that makes them qualified for the role and good at what they do. 

Everyone has baggage. But that should not stop anyone from helping others whenever they can. 

Feels kinda good when it works out.

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